Thursday, December 30, 2021

 We are thankful we have membered immense freedom and prosperity within our bodies for our benefit and enjoyment both here and now.

 We are thankful we have manifested immense freedom and prosperity within our bodies for our benefit and enjoyment both here and now.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

An outreach

Here's my post to a recent vid by JayDreamerZ at
Hey Jay, thanks for all your research on this issue.  I question whether the timing of this plasma catastraphe is itself a natural phenomenon or if it can be mitigated or avoided entirely.  Mary Hardy's YT channel speaks of the Holy Grail Vortex prayer/visualization and how pyramids share this effect of balancing energies.  The energy of earth can be maintained in balance and the related events of destructive weather and unusual occurrences would not be witnessed.
The Great Pyramid's effective structure has been compromised.  One of her vids talks about a cavity being drained of sand necessary for the pyramid's higher function.  Additionally, there were many giant mounds here in the U.S. built by ancient natives that have been torn down.  In examination, they were layered of organic and inorganic material.  Sounds like orgonite!  Remember, cities, temples and structures of such size have electromagnetic impact, purpose and influence.

Wouldn't it be beautiful if humanity could forego a plasma catastrophe and enter a new era of abundant prosperity and serenity?  Of course, there is much  more for me to learn about surviving and thriving through a possible plasma catastrophe, but if its avoidance is at all possible, I'd wish to be a proponent of a supremely favorable alternative.  However, perhaps this time around the forces for beneficial prosperity have been too lax and weak in their effort or too badly beaten by malicious element, necessitating a cleanse.  Perhaps all there is to do is to prepare to survive.  David Wilcock has also spoken of malicious controllers wishing to effect a large calamity to die horribly and cleanse themselves of massive bad karma.  The "Cremation of Care" ritual can make a bit more sense if "ruling elite" have larger over-arching plans they are seeking to fulfill through calculated "necessary evil/wickedness."
In any case, best wishes and good luck!

Friday, September 28, 2018

Scalar energy, ancient megalithic structures, cataclysm

In this video about the Bosnian pyramids, it's noted the scalar emissions from the Pyramid of the Sun FOLLOW THE SUN.

Dr. Semir Osmanagić, New Smyrna Beach, FL: Pyramids Around the World & Bosnian Pyramid Energy

I wonder if this has anything to do with our being "overdue" for a plasma cataclysm according to the ocean floor's magnetic inversions.

Additionally, I wonder if human consciousness also has any influence.

There are many pyramids worldwide and they tend to share many features in common.  Like being aligned with magnetic north and also aligned with lines of volcanoes.  That would lead to the subject of geomancy and ley lines.  Indeed, monolithic structures are often made of high ormus stone, superluminal, superconductive elements.  Huge mounds were also constructed by ancients with layers of materials.

This all must be related to Wilhelm Reich's study of orgone energy and what many today are doing with orgonite and other scalar energy devices to balance their environment.

Orgone/ether/prana/scalar energy/superluminal light/the force.

Ken Rohla has done much research on scalar energy and is a great presenter on the subject.  I don't recall if he mentions it in this particular video, but our earth's Schumann Resonance has been quickening because of the growing proliferation of our modern technology over the decades.

Ken Rohla: How to Neutralize Radiation and Chemtrails From the Sky, Your Garden, and Your Body

In the pyramid video mentioned at the outset, the point of the hastening Schumann Resonance is brought up.  The tunnels below the pyramid maintain the original low requency of Schumann Resonance (around 1:39:15).  People experience healing in these tunnels.

Dr. Jack Kruse, who teaches how sun exposure and avoiding blue light after sundown is more important than diet and exercise, has explained how our modern tech is flooding our earth with frequencies by which we are consistently intensifying microwaving ourselves.

Does a build up of the negative types of this trip the cataclysm?  Did our ancestors discover this and devise means of balancing our earth's energy to offset cataclysm indefinitely?

Is it by ignorance of this, providing no remedy, the whole of earth further divides itself from nature and God, balance and righteousness, and invites its own doom?

And now 5G that no one needs is being rolled out to more terribly pollute our environment with EMF and negative scalar energy.

Sharon Daphna - Energetic War on Humanity and How to Win

I don't know about cataclysm, but I do know gifting orgonite does help rebalance not only one's immediate vicinity, but impacts the greater area, too.

Indeed, our own thoughts and emotions impact the weather.  Though they may have been without understanding of the deeper why, Native Americans conduct ceremony and rain dances to such effect through conscious activity.  This is no different than meditation, alone or in a group.

Wouldn't that be something?  What if we collectively had a greater role in effecting such a "reset"?

Remember, the Bible is their chosen 66 canon books of SCRIPTure.  A script.  I'm sure they have their own time table of events as they would like them to occur and seek to influence the mass consciousness to this end.  St. Peter's square is a huge sun dial, after all.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mark Passio - Natural Law Seminar - New Haven, CT

 The nature of human consciousness and the natural laws that govern them--occulted knowledge and its impact on the proliferation of freedom and slavery in our world.
  Probably more convenient to watch directly on YouTube's website, but here they are for easy reference.

Part 1, morning session.

Part 2, afternoon session.

Part 3, evening session.

Federal Magistrate admits arbitrary nature of law

  Where does law receive its authoritative power?
  If you ask Federal Magistrate John Buttrick, it comes from 'we say so.'

I tried to embed the video, but for some reason the blogger tool wouldn't pull up the proper video.

  Contrast this with Mark Passio's seminar on Natural Law, coming in a future post.  Like, immediately.

Most decorated Marine of his time writes "War is a Racket"

Marine Major General Smedley Butler's book, War is a Racket (1935), is based on a well received speech he toured with after World War I.  It examines the spurring forces behind war, who benefits and who suffers.  Some of his observations were prophetic of what was to come.
 "The Japanese, a proud people, of course will be pleased beyond expression to see the United States fleet so close to Nippon's shores. Even as pleased as would be the residents of California were they to dimly discern through the morning mist, the Japanese fleet playing at war games off Los Angeles."
The text is freely available to read at .  For those who prefer a pdf and possibly audio format, look up the 44MB torrent at .  It is only about 14 pages long and well worth considering in examining all wars, modern and past.

More at:

Thursday, September 4, 2014

An excerpt from Humanure Handbook by Joseph Jenkins

Visit for information on a solution to the fresh water and food crisis.


Shortly after I published the first edition of this book, I was invited to speak to a group of nuns at a convent. I had only printed 600 copies of the book and had assumed they would sit in my garage for the rest of my life because no one would be interested in the topic of composting “humanure.” Not long after, the Associated Press put the word out that I had written a book about crap. Then I got a phone call.
“Mr. Jenkins, we recently bought a copy of your book, Humanure, and we would like to have you speak at our convent.”
“What do you want me to talk about?”
“About the topic of your book.”
“Yes, but specifically, humanure composting.” At this point I was at a loss for words. I couldn’t understand exactly why a group of nuns would be interested in composting human crap. Somehow, I couldn’t imagine standing in a room full of holy nuns, speaking about turds. But I kept the stammering to a minimum and accepted the invitation.
It was Earth Day, 1995. The presentation went well. After I spoke, the group showed slides of their gardens and compost piles, then we toured their compost area and poked around in the worm boxes. A delightful lunch followed, during which I asked them why they were interested in humanure, of all things.
“We are the Sisters of Humility,” they responded. “The words ‘humble’ and ‘humus’ come from the same semantic root, which means ‘earth.’ We also think these words are related to the word ‘human.’ Therefore, as part of our vow of humility, we work with the earth. We make compost, as you’ve seen. And now we want to learn how to make compost from our toilet material. We’re thinking about buying a commercial composting toilet, but we want to learn more about the overall concepts first.
That’s why we asked you to come here.” This was deep shit. Profound.
A light bulb went off in my head. Of course, composting is an act of humility. The people who care enough about the earth to recycle their personal by-products do so as an exercise in humility, not because they’re going to get rich and famous for it. That makes them better people. Some people go to church on Sunday, others make compost. Still others do both. Others go to church on Sunday, then throw all their garbage out into the environment. The exercising of the human spirit can take many forms, and the simple act of cleaning up after oneself is one of them. The careless dumping of waste out into the world is a self-centered act of arrogance — or ignorance.