Friday, September 28, 2018

Scalar energy, ancient megalithic structures, cataclysm

In this video about the Bosnian pyramids, it's noted the scalar emissions from the Pyramid of the Sun FOLLOW THE SUN.

Dr. Semir Osmanagić, New Smyrna Beach, FL: Pyramids Around the World & Bosnian Pyramid Energy

I wonder if this has anything to do with our being "overdue" for a plasma cataclysm according to the ocean floor's magnetic inversions.

Additionally, I wonder if human consciousness also has any influence.

There are many pyramids worldwide and they tend to share many features in common.  Like being aligned with magnetic north and also aligned with lines of volcanoes.  That would lead to the subject of geomancy and ley lines.  Indeed, monolithic structures are often made of high ormus stone, superluminal, superconductive elements.  Huge mounds were also constructed by ancients with layers of materials.

This all must be related to Wilhelm Reich's study of orgone energy and what many today are doing with orgonite and other scalar energy devices to balance their environment.

Orgone/ether/prana/scalar energy/superluminal light/the force.

Ken Rohla has done much research on scalar energy and is a great presenter on the subject.  I don't recall if he mentions it in this particular video, but our earth's Schumann Resonance has been quickening because of the growing proliferation of our modern technology over the decades.

Ken Rohla: How to Neutralize Radiation and Chemtrails From the Sky, Your Garden, and Your Body

In the pyramid video mentioned at the outset, the point of the hastening Schumann Resonance is brought up.  The tunnels below the pyramid maintain the original low requency of Schumann Resonance (around 1:39:15).  People experience healing in these tunnels.

Dr. Jack Kruse, who teaches how sun exposure and avoiding blue light after sundown is more important than diet and exercise, has explained how our modern tech is flooding our earth with frequencies by which we are consistently intensifying microwaving ourselves.

Does a build up of the negative types of this trip the cataclysm?  Did our ancestors discover this and devise means of balancing our earth's energy to offset cataclysm indefinitely?

Is it by ignorance of this, providing no remedy, the whole of earth further divides itself from nature and God, balance and righteousness, and invites its own doom?

And now 5G that no one needs is being rolled out to more terribly pollute our environment with EMF and negative scalar energy.

Sharon Daphna - Energetic War on Humanity and How to Win

I don't know about cataclysm, but I do know gifting orgonite does help rebalance not only one's immediate vicinity, but impacts the greater area, too.

Indeed, our own thoughts and emotions impact the weather.  Though they may have been without understanding of the deeper why, Native Americans conduct ceremony and rain dances to such effect through conscious activity.  This is no different than meditation, alone or in a group.

Wouldn't that be something?  What if we collectively had a greater role in effecting such a "reset"?

Remember, the Bible is their chosen 66 canon books of SCRIPTure.  A script.  I'm sure they have their own time table of events as they would like them to occur and seek to influence the mass consciousness to this end.  St. Peter's square is a huge sun dial, after all.