Tuesday, December 31, 2019

An outreach

Here's my post to a recent vid by JayDreamerZ at
Hey Jay, thanks for all your research on this issue.  I question whether the timing of this plasma catastraphe is itself a natural phenomenon or if it can be mitigated or avoided entirely.  Mary Hardy's YT channel speaks of the Holy Grail Vortex prayer/visualization and how pyramids share this effect of balancing energies.  The energy of earth can be maintained in balance and the related events of destructive weather and unusual occurrences would not be witnessed.
The Great Pyramid's effective structure has been compromised.  One of her vids talks about a cavity being drained of sand necessary for the pyramid's higher function.  Additionally, there were many giant mounds here in the U.S. built by ancient natives that have been torn down.  In examination, they were layered of organic and inorganic material.  Sounds like orgonite!  Remember, cities, temples and structures of such size have electromagnetic impact, purpose and influence.


Wouldn't it be beautiful if humanity could forego a plasma catastrophe and enter a new era of abundant prosperity and serenity?  Of course, there is much  more for me to learn about surviving and thriving through a possible plasma catastrophe, but if its avoidance is at all possible, I'd wish to be a proponent of a supremely favorable alternative.  However, perhaps this time around the forces for beneficial prosperity have been too lax and weak in their effort or too badly beaten by malicious element, necessitating a cleanse.  Perhaps all there is to do is to prepare to survive.  David Wilcock has also spoken of malicious controllers wishing to effect a large calamity to die horribly and cleanse themselves of massive bad karma.  The "Cremation of Care" ritual can make a bit more sense if "ruling elite" have larger over-arching plans they are seeking to fulfill through calculated "necessary evil/wickedness."
In any case, best wishes and good luck!

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